So, the doctor has been telling me September 29 is the due date. Does that mean that she knows that? When the clock strikes midnight, will contractions begin? Will my water break immediately? I'm guessing not. I think she's pretty comfortable in my belly, which is great that I have provided such a great environment for her, but if she only knew how sweet it is out here in the world, she'd rather be born. Her room is all ready, clothes are clean, and not to mention really cute. We are ready to become parents, ready to learn how this all works, ready to fail and try again, and ready to fall in love. Yeah! I can't wait!
People have been telling me about things you can do to induce labor. The best one I have heard is eat fried eggplant. Who has ever heard this before? Well, I told a friend and she brought over a couple eggplants, so I fried them and ate them. Did the babe come? Not yet, but hopefully she got some good nutrients from it. It's so funny what people say, I love it though- they are just trying to help.
Here is a picture of me from yesterday- Ken finally convinced me to go for a walk! 2 days shy of the due date. iphones are great for documenting all these moments! The weather was amazing yesterday, amazing. Such a blessing!
I promise to post pictures of the nursery, if I'm not in labor...
The eggplant thing works! I had eggplant for dinner and went into labor 9 hours later! :) I also walked ALL DAY the day before he came, so maybe that has something to do with it too? Who knows.
You look so calm! She will be here soon and you will totally forget these last few days of torture;)
come on baby k!!!!!
hang in there mel! she'll be here soon!
um, you look AMAZING in that pic. glowing. but it doesn't even compare to how you will look holding baby in your arms, in the world. yes!! llooooooove
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