
one month!

Dear Avery,

A month ago you came into this world with a bang! Holding you for the first time, I didn't think I could love more than in that moment, but you have taught me new levels of love. You're the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. Your eyes are the perfect shape of a pumpkin seed, the color is of a deepest crystal blue with a little bit of light blue around the pupils, your nose is simply adorable, and the dimple on our right cheek compliments your smile perfectly. Your dad and I just want to kiss you all the time. I love how when you are waking up after a good swaddle, your arms shoot up in the air and you stretch to the moon. I can tell that you are going to be athletic because of how strong your arms and legs are. The question is, will you play softball and basketball like mommy or will you be a runner like your daddy? Your legs are looking more like dad's so maybe you won't follow in mom's footsteps and be a catcher! Sometimes, it's as if you want to stand up on my lap when I try to burp you.

You have impacted so many lives so far with your presence, but mostly your dad's and mine. Our life has a new purpose, to love you and teach you about the Lord's love for you. We pray that you will always know of God's love for you, and that we can show that to you in how we love you. Forgive me for getting frustrated with you when I try to figure out why you're crying- we're new at this too! Forgive me too for when I get upset when you dirty up the new diaper I just put on you! :)

You are the most special little girl and I can't remember life before you came because when you came, it got so much better. I know you will "wow" us daily, but so far you have done a pretty good job at being amazing.

I love you with my all,
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