
"people say..."

If I ever utter that phrase before a statement again, slap me silly. We went to the ultrasound appointment yesterday and I was sure it was a boy because, you know... "people say..."

1. Headaches? BOY
2. Low kicking? BOY
3. Not as sick? BOY
4. Slower heart rate? BOY

Well, we saw the lady parts to prove it. We are blessed with another precious baby girl!

Avery was with us and it was too perfect. I looked at Avery, thought about how much joy she has brought to my life. And now we get another girl like her? We are blessed. This baby showed everything measuring normal. With Avery, there were a few things out of the normal range, so it was conforting to hear that this baby was good to go. Seeing the heart beating is wild, just wild. All four chambers looking fabulous.

In the process of moving, I have been packing a lot of baby girl clothes to go in the attic. I have been reminicsing a lot, shedding a few tears, and thinking, "it would be nice to have another girl. these clothes are so cute!" Now, we only need to get another crib or a big girl bed and a double stroller and we're set!

I have a lot things on my mind about this baby's first few weeks. I remembering thinking about when Avery was a newbie and how clueless I was. I mean, I had no idea what I was doing. I was so scared to do something wrong that my fear probably affected my nursing issues. I hope that with this girl, I can chill and savour more. I woud like to try the Moby Wrap or a sling in the beginning. I tried some of those carriers with Avery and she fussed and I freaked so we did away with those. I'm hoping that if I try it out earlier, the baby will be down and will like it.

I also want to make sure that when baby girl comes home, that I spend a lot of time with Avery and that whatever loving family member is in town can be with baby, after I feed her. I never want Avery to feel neglected. These are hopes, we'll see what happens.

But, more of this?????

 Yes please!!!

**Check out the Baby 2K12 tab to keep up with the baby bump. Mama gettin' big!


Robeson Family. said...

Yayyyy!! Congrats! Im so excited for Avery to have a sister!! Sisters are the best in the world!! And you and ken make beautiful little girls!!:)

jasonmarkjones said...

Congrats again Melanie! Check out the City Mini for double strollers. And I'm all about the Ergo baby, but Marta is a big fan of the moby wrap if you're into that sort of thing. "And get as much sleep as you can now" because what advice would be complete without saying that?

John and Ashley said...

BAAAAAAHHHH!!! Another girl! I'm so excited!!! :)

Unknown said...

yay! congrats!!!! can't wait to meet her!

Ali Winter said...

I'm so happy for you and your family. You make some cute kids ;) I've tried tons of baby carries too. I finally fell in love with the ERGO. Sunday could hang in it for hours. You might like it. It's the easiest to get on and the most comfortable to wear. Congrats!

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