Dear Eliza Page,
You are half way to one. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It feels like yesterday that you were born, the greatest experience of my life. You fit into this family perfectly. We call you peanut because you're just "a tiny baby" as Avery would say. Avery loves you so much. Yesterday, she said, when you woke from a nap, "Let's go get my baby sister please!" And the same goes for us baby girl, we love you so much. Your dad can't help by say how cute you are when he sees you when he comes from work. You love to be held, and we gladly do it. You're just so darn sweet, and we thank Jesus that he gave you to us.
Love you,
Twenty-sixth Week Highlights:
- Her ideal wake time went 2 hours to 3, so we can get out of the house more! :)
- Eats pears, apples, bananas, sweet potatoes
- Seriously wants to crawl. She'll get up on all fours and rock a lot.
- Loves balls and will hold them up above head like a water polo goalie.
Look how much she's grown!
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