
50 weeks

Eliza has this past week been sleeping in, till 8 or even 9! Usually she wakes at 7. 
She naps so well and will put her fingers in her mouth when she's tired. The above picture was taken before her nap. 
Eliza has said: hi, dada, mama, doh (for dog) and often goes "oooohh"
She wore her first bow the other day, with the little amount of hair she has. 
She fits into my old overalls, which was fun because Avery wore them too. 

Eliza got to swim for the first time at a friend's house. 
She loved it, and was so darling in her suit. 

Eliza's hair is starting to show that it wants to be curly. Her little ear whispies are precious.
She stands most of the time, hands free these days. 
She has yet to take any steps, but walks with her walker-toy all the time. 

Only two more weeks and she'll be ONE. 

Click on the Eliza Page Weekly Update label below to see the past 5 weeks. 
Finally played catch up. 

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