In a couple weeks, Eliza turns two. Her life has flown by. She became a big sister at 18 months and has stepped up to big girl status quite quickly and we are so proud of her. She's really funny. And doesn't always listen, and definitely marches to the beat of her own drum, but in her time, and in her way, she has become the most enjoyable little human to be around. She'll grab your hand and say, "come on" when she wants you to play with her. She calls her underwear "kitty" or "elmo" and when we knew she was ready to sleep through the night without a diaper, she said, "kitty please!" And then, like a boss, had a dry night. She's in a bed now and practically independent. In the morning, I'm usually recovering from a few early morning wake ups with the baby, and the big girls get up, out of bed, use the potty and get their waters and yogurts without me. I need to teach them to pour me some coffee, then I can stay in bed a bit longer with the baby.
But peanut. Let me tell you more about this girl. She's compassionate. When we're shopping together, if I'm trying to make a serious decision, like, "do I really need more fabric? I did sell like TWO skirts, so, yes, or wait, no" and she'll sense the tense tone and she'll rub my arm and say, "it's okay mama." She LOVES Avery so much. Loves to be near her, loves to sleep in a big girl bed like her sister. It's pretty precious to hear them chat as they go to bed. Sometimes hilarious. She will not let us put her to bed, or down for a nap without singing, "holy holy." Her voice is super sweet, except when she yells. And when she yells, watch out. She loves to pray before dinner. She mimics everything Avery does, and her face lights up when we pick up Avery from school. They are lucky to have each other.
What really impresses me about Eliza is how she is with Ivy. She is always with Ivy, and has to come with us to all of Ivy's appointments and therapy. She's great!! When Ivy gets frustrated from the myriad of things that are done to her, Eliza comes near and touches her toes. She's patient when I need her to be. She understands, in a way, that Ivy needs all of mom at those moments, so Eliza will occupy herself while paying close attention to what the doctors are doing to her sister. Ivy is the first thing Eliza wants in the morning. I love seeing them together. Ivy has the type of face that lights up when she's happy and when she plays with Eliza, it's quite bright.
I love my little peanut. I was so worried she was going to get lost in the chaos of having another baby but she has made sure that we don't forget her. Eliza's personality is always surprising us. Avery is pretty much me in a 4 year olds body. I know what bothers her, because the same things bother me. With Eliza, you never know. Will she cry as Avery leaves for school or say, "Bye Avery!" and shut the door? Will she cling to mom or gladly go get donuts with grandpa without hesitation? Will she trip and fall on the carpet and cry her eyes out or will she spend 3 hours in a bounce house with kids twice her size and never cry once? You just never know.
What we do know: she loves her family, reading books, sleeping and putting shoes on.
Beautiful!!!! I just love your girls and your posts about them! Your photography is beautiful and you are so good about capturing their personalities with your words. Your blog will be such a treasure to show them when they are older!
Beautiful!!!! I just love your girls and your posts about them! Your photography is beautiful and you are so good about capturing their personalities with your words. Your blog will be such a treasure to show them when they are older!
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