
the nursery

I told Ken last night that my favorite room in the house is Avery's room. Some of the most special moments, and hardest moments (hard for mom and dad...) of her life thus far have been spent in here. We also do a good amount of family time in here. When I'm feeding her, Ken will hang out with us just talking about how much we love her. Some of her best smiles happen right after a nap or when she's on the changing table looking at herself in the mirror. Not to mention her dad worked his tail off making this nursery perfect for little miss, it's about time to show it off. Now, this is a functioning nursery. I see nurseries online that are beautiful, but I wonder how functional they are. This set up we have works for us and for our sweet bubby. Enjoy!

This is very special. I just learned today that husbands get their wives presents after they give birth. They are called "push" presents. I'm pretty sure Ken doesn't know this, but he got me the most thoughtful gift I've ever received. Ken and I went to San Francisco last summer and rode our bikes across the golden gate bridge to this little town on the other side. There we stumbled upon a Dr. Seuss art gallery. Are you kidding me? Only my most favorite author! I have dressed up as Cat in the Hat 3 times in my teaching career, thank you very much. When I read "Oh, the place you'll go!" to my class every year, I almost start crying because I think about the potential that they all have. Ken knows this passion I have for my kids and their futures, and knew that this was only exponentially multiplied when it came to Avery. He bought this piece, an original from "Oh, the place you'll go" from that same art gallery we went to. The frame is made from Cypress trees from Louisiana (a friend from church custom made it!). Ken ordered it for Mother's Day but it didn't get completed till the day Avery was born. When I came home from the hospital, this was hanging in her nursery. With all the emotions I was experiencing, and the new love I had for Ken, the moment when I saw this, I burst into tears. The happiest of tears. My husband is amazing. (the light from outside doesn't do it justice!)
Remember the summer chandelier project? It turned out perfect with lavender walls. Another secret Ken had was that he very much encouraged these colors for the walls and the chandelier because he knew how great it would look with the Dr. Seuss print.
The cloth diapering station. We LOVE to cloth diaper. I might make a blog about how it works for us, and how it could work for you! :)
5 bins of clothes and a dresser full as well! And I think we bought her like 5 things, ALL of these clothes were gifted or handed down. We are very blessed with loving friends and family.
I'd sleep well too if these guys were keeping me company!
I love her crib... another gift from Ken's mom


Tim Fox said...

This is awesome!

Becky Kane said...

I love this story! Your house is so beautiful! I love that she has a fireplace in her room. Her room is huge too! Oh and her and Corban have the same humidifier! hehehe


Unknown said...

1. I love the wall color, & the chandelier!

2. Major kudos to Ken for the picture!!!!

3. I never bought any clothes at all for Noah, hand-me-downs are SUCH a blessing!!!!

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