there will be no proper caps.
there are 16 pictures, not 10.
i'm tired.
but yesterday i took pictures and i got an iPhone5S so that's fun.
warning, i'm no poster child for hashtag 3kids3andunder but i'm honest.
great intro! on to the pictures:
eliza peanut banana face page
have you put peanut butter and bananas in your oatmeal? you will now! and this mug, we have thoughtful friends
ken made a yule log for our advent candles and this has been playing on repeat
good morning ivy marie and epk in her fave place
cloth diapers y'all. still love them, for reals.
hey ivy! you like to be held allll day? okay, #fourthtrimester
welcome to the wall ivy (i originally bought a p, made it an i...good story.)
this is what three in the back looks like. snug and sweet.
i'm very popular these days in that 2 out of 3 want me to hold them. eliza didn't want her nap yesterday, and thankfully it was for the time that ivy did nap. turns out she's working on two ear infections.
avery wants a tree so bad, and we just haven't found the time to get a real one, so this little diddy from target, and some dollar spot disco balls made for the best moment of her life yesterday.
eliza loves crayons, doesn't quite know what to do with them, but will take them out of the box, put them in the bowl, put them back in the box, repeat.
you guys want to watch some curious george while i hold ivy for a nap? great!
then the bigs fall asleep and it's what i like to call ivy time where i take selfies and ivy is the calmest she is all day, and mainly sleeps super hard until we lay her down and she wakes up. but, little miss gave us 5 hours last night. you go girl.
on another note, since ivy has been born, i have been flooded with thoughts and emotions about motherhood and being called to something bigger than yourself, overwhelming amounts of gratitude for the people who have cared for us, like shirt off their backs type of generosity. also at the same time feeling so overwhelmed and knowing that what i thought sacrificial loved looked like was far from its true meaning. i have never worked harder, felt greater joy, nor accepted defeat like i have in this month. one day, i'll gather my thoughts and write a meaningful post, for myself and for my daughters. i always want to remember this time; these years when the girls are young and sleep is minimal and a mother is discovered. for the girls, so that when they become mothers one day, they can take comfort in knowing that their mom was in their place and that how they're feeling is real and understood.
but for now, i need to take a shower.
That.was.beautiful. Every word, every picture. So much truth! You go, girl.
This was beautiful! Email me your phone number when you get a chance (
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