
around here, today

Last night I was reading our blog, and reading stories about mundane days, trips to the park, basic stuff that makes up my life, and I took a lot of joy in it. So, I'm basically doing that today. Mainly because I had the nice camera out, and because almost every picture of Ivy is from my iPhone, but also because my brother posted this picture on Facebook today of Avery when she was 9 months old and it tripped me out because that really doesn't feel like all that long ago. And then next month, Avery starts Kindergarten. It all seems to be happening too fast. So I need to pause and capture more of these days. I need to take stock in what's happening now, and not long for what's to come. While I'm at it, an update on the girls seemed long overdue. Let's go!

IVY :: 20 months old
  • Ivy is ridiculous, for the most part.
  • Ivy runs, jumps, and acts like she's 5 when playing at the park.
  • Ivy LOVES her pacifier and TWO blankets (ba-bas) when she naps.
  • Ivy's skull is all fused correctly and the screws from the surgery have dissolved! Wahoo!
  • Ivy doesn't say but 15 words clearly, but communicates really well. 
  • We understand her, and she gets away with EVERYTHING.
  • She eats so well, and makes me happy because the other two, well, don't.
  • Ivy takes one fat nap during the day, and would probably take more. 
  • Ivy loves to wake up at 6:15 AM.
  • Ivy still loves to be held and is always down to be snuggled. 

ELIZA :: 3 years old
  • Eliza is ridiculous, almost all the time. 
  • Eliza will retreat to her room a few times everyday just to read by herself. 
  • Eliza encourages Ivy all day. 
  • Eliza doesn't eat green food, at all. Prefers ketchup. 
  • Eliza spills water and milk from her cereal bowl every day, every time. 
  • Eliza, oddly to the above, has amazing balance and rhythm. 
  • Eliza will say, "i love you mom" when she wants to watch a show.
  • Eliza pretty much only wants to watch shows. 
  • Eliza is a home body and prefers wearing her PJs all day than go to the park. 
  • She's the first one to say, "I want to go home" when we are at the park. 
  • Eliza is petite. Her and Ivy wear the same clothes. 
  • Eliza is starting school in a month!!! 3 days a week in the morning. 

AVERY :: almost 5 years old
  • Avery has just stopped taking her daily nap. (Thanks for almost 5 years of naps bub!)
  • Avery LOVES to eat chicken with any kind of sauce. 
  • Avery doesn't have any tonsils.
  • Avery is pre-reading, and it's as fantastic as that sounds. 
  • Avery still prefers dad, and I'm totally okay with it. :)
  • Avery gets herself dressed every morning and always grabs an oversized t-shirt and soccer shorts.
  • Avery still sleeps with her baba. (Ivy is her clone, BTW)
  • Avery and Ivy love to play together, running and jumping all over the house. 
  • Avery is really smart. 
  • Avery can draw hearts, faces, rainbows, and can write anything. 
  • Avery is ridiculous 90% of the time. 

BEAUMONTY || 30 years old, recently adopted
  • Beaumonty is completely ridiculous. 
  • Beaumonty loves to drink diesel.
  • Beaumonty is from Texas, but we don't hold that against her. 
  • Beaumonty prefers Ken, which I'm totally okay with. 
  • Beaumonty loves to take long drives and really purrs when on the freeway. 
  • Beaumonty has like 100 things wrong with her but we love her anyway.

And some more pictures...

IVY, I SAID WE'RE LEAVING. (bottom right corner, Ivy!)


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